Published: November 2, 2013
Drush Sup - Upgrade Site from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 to Drupal 8
You want to upgrade your website from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. The easy way!
You want to upgrade your website from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. The easy way! This means, you've heard about the great drush command drush sup
which acts like Pedro - if you vote for it, all of your dreams will come true.
How do you use drush sup or drush site-upgrade? Simple, open terminal (or equivalent), navigate to your home folder (cd ~) and enter drush dl sup. Viola, you've downloaded the site upgrade extension for drush. What's next? The easy part - create a site alias for your new version as told in the readme.txt, something like:
$aliases['newsite'] = array(
'root' => '/srv/www/dump',
'uri' => '',
You need to call this file aliases.drushrc.php. You can place all of your site aliases in this file in future. And then run drush sup @newsite (or whatever the alias you called it was) - and ... then ... it doesn't work. Why not? Well, because you didn't put the code above inside php brackets, like this:
$aliases['newsite'] = array(
'root' => '/srv/www/dump',
'uri' => '',
Now it works. Go run drush sup @newsite. Did it work? No? Really? Why not? Probably because you don't know where to put the file. Simple (when you know the answer) - put it in side your drush folder, perhaps at ~/Users/yourname/dev/drush/ (there's an examples folder in there as well with some nice examples).
Now, run drush sup @newsite and Yee Haw!