Published: July 17, 2024
Keyboard Navigation for a LocalGov Drupal website
Wouldn't it be cool if we could get around our LocalGov Drupal websites by using keyboard shortcuts?

I had an idea for a module to allow us to navigate our LocalGov Drupal websites by keyboard shortcuts. Thanks to Big Blue Door for sponsoring my LGD-contribution time, I was able to put a proof-of-concept together yesterday evening to show off my idea.
It's quite simple. I created a new module called "LocalGov KeyNav" and put the code on GitHub on my own namespace for now. Now, when you have that module enabled, you can type "lgd" followed by a series of keys and get to different pages on the site. For example:
- ac - goes to the content listing page
- ap - goes to the people listing page
- acdf - goes to the directory facets page
- t2 - goes to the 2nd item in the toolbar menu (usually admin/content)
- t8 - goes to the 8th item in the toolbar menu (usually admin/config)
- nasp - goes to the "Add service page" form
- naslp - goes to the "Add service landing page" form
We can add as many more sequences as we want.
Here's a video showing it in action.
If you think this is worth pursuing, let me know in the comments on YouTube or via the LGD Slack or any other way. Thanks.