My Drupal Core Contributions for week-ending August 23rd, 2024

I've been spending some time recently trying to get the Umami demo message from toolbar into the navigation module.

The Confident Logo, Drupal Agency led by Mark Conroy

I finished up last week with the HTML for the message being set in the navigation menu block, via a preprocess hook.

Ivan, another co-maintainer of the Umami profile, had a suggestion that we hook_preprocess_layout in stead, so I've updated the MR to do just that. 

While there I created a new library demo-profile-warning and am using that to style the warning message.

Hopefully that's enough to start moving that issue forward, so I can then get back to the original issue which started all this, removing toolbar and enabling navigation module in Umami.

As well as the above, Ivan also has a really interesting MR in development to use Web Components for rendering the status messages in Umami. I gave that a review, I think I'd love to use it, so am looking forward to it being completed and merged.

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  1. Drupal Planet
  2. Drupal
  3. Open Source