Published: July 19, 2024
My Drupal Core Contributions for week-ending July 19th, 2024
Here's what I've been working on for my Drupal contributions this week. Thanks to Code Enigma for sponsoring the time to work on these.

I focussed on the core Stable9 theme again this week. And damn was that frustrating.
An issue I thought (hoped?) we had fixed last week where Stable9 used to override Drupal core's off_canvas library, but now has no matching CSS files. The tests were failing, but I couldn't figure out why - it was reportedly missing the off canvas files, but that was a good thing, since they don't exist.
An hour later, after putting the off_canvas libarary name back into the $librariesToSkip
variable, I got that test running again. Only to discover that a functional JavaScript test was now failing. And so I spent another hour figuring that out. Only to discover that it was a red-herring and the failing test was a blip in the CI tools. So ... now all the tests are passing and we should be able to get this committed.
I think I need a shower after all that.
Don't shower yet, Mark, you're not finished.
Oh really? Yeah, remember that cool merge request from 2 weeks ago to set the dates for each node in Umami to a unique date? Well, that also has a failing test. But only if you install Umami using Spanish as the default language.
My Spanish isn't very good - it's non-existant - so trying to track down the cause of that failing test was about as enjoyable as you can imagine. But ... I tracked it down, so hopefully we'll also get that merged now as well.
Thanks to Code Enigma for sponsoring my time to go through this masochism 😀
- The stable9 issue got merged later this afternoon, and
- The Umami issue got set to 'Reviewed and tested by the community" this afternoon, so
- That's all good news, and
- I can now go for that cold beer!