Setting up Access Control with Drupal's Workbench Access Module

This is a short video for how to use the LocalGov Content Access Control Module, based on Drupal's Workbench Access module.

LocalGov Drupal Content Access Control

Many (if not all) councils have been asking for a way to do "access control", whereby only certain editors can edit certain parts of the website. I put together the LocalGov Drupal Content Access Control module so we'd have a defined way of doing this and all councils can have a similar approach. 

Here's a short video explaining how it works (which might help people outside of councils who also need to set this up). In short:

  1. Create a taxonomy called "Access Control".
  2. Add terms to this.
  3. Use this taxonomy in a "Workbench Access" scheme.
  4. Add editors and/or roles to the site sections.
  5. Add a field to content types that references the "Access Control" vocabulary.
  6. Enjoy!

Filed Under:

  1. Drupal Planet
  2. Drupal
  3. LocalGov Drupal