Thank you sooo much Annertech, now it's time for my career's next chapter

Annertech was the best years of my professional career; now I'm ready to travel on a new path.

Mark Conroy, smiling (probably laughing) looking into the camera.

In the hardest career decision I have ever made, I resigned as Director of Development from Annertech last month, after nearly 11 years.

Soooo much went through my mind, the great friends I had made, the inspiring clients I had worked with, the challenging projects I had worked on, the best-of-the-best awards we had won ... and lots more.

I want to thank Annertech for the opportunity they gave me and for being so supportive all along the way. If I can help you at any point in the future, I'm here for you.

What do I want to do now? Well, first take a month off to take in the decision now that it's made (that month is almost over). Then start forging a new path for myself. I have two aims:

  1. Consultancy and strategy around web development for local authorities (county councils, city councils, etc). I think there are a lot of councils with an idea "we need to update our website", but not sure where to go from there. Or perhaps they know what they want for their new website but "we don't know who to hire to build it". I think I can be pivotal at those intersections (consultancy and/or team building), especially in the area of Drupal/LocalGov Drupal.
  2. Products. I have some ideas swirling around in my mind for digital products. I want to set aside dedicated time each week to work on these.

For anyone else reading this, if you'd like to start an informal chat about me working with you as a consultant/strategist/technical lead - especially around Drupal and LocalGov Drupal - my emails are always open,