Sponsorship slot available for Drupal contribution credits

I have a small window of time available if you'd like to get credits for sponsoring Drupal contributions.

Sponsor Drupal development. Get issue credits and lots of marketing

For the past number of months I've been sponsored by Code Enigma to work on Drupal core. That sponsorship is coming towards its end, though we both hope to renew it in the not-too-distant future. 

In the mean time, I have a small window of opportunity for someone else to sponsor Drupal contribution time. Contact me at mark@mark.ie if you'd like to chat about it.

Thank YOU so much for all the publicity, not why we did it but extremely welcome nonetheless! :-)

Greg Harvey, Code Enigma

What do you get from it?

  • Issue credits on Drupal.org for all my work
  • A message on each of my comments on Drupal.org to thank you for sponsoring my time to work on that issue
  • A blog post each week detailing what I have been working on
  • A mention in my weekly newsletter about your sponsorship
  • A shout out on Twitter/Mastodon/LinkedIn each week, linking to what you have sponsored
  • Extra blog posts and/or videos about larger features I work on

I really like how Mark Conroy has been documenting his contributions to Drupal. It makes sponsoring him more appealing to organizations and individuals.

Dries Buytaert, Drupal Founder and Project Lead


I expect this slot to go quickly, so get in contact to secure it via mark@mark.ie.

Work completed to far

Over the past 8 weeks, here's what I completed from the Code Enigma sponsorship:

Filed Under:

  1. Drupal Planet
  2. Drupal
  3. Open Source